What is Pain Management?

Pain Management is a combination of clinical and basic science; blending the tools, techniques and principles necessary with one goal in mind……the reduction of pain and suffering.

What is Pain Medicine?

The specialty of pain medicine is concerned with the prevention, evaluation, diagnosis and treatment of painful disorders.

Is Pain Medicine considered a specialty?

The American Medical Association (AMA) recognizes pain medicine as a specialty.

Is a Pain Management specialist a physician?

A pain management specialist is a physician. After the physician completes his/her training to become a doctor, they chose to continue their education in the specialty of anesthesia and become an Anesthesiologist. At this point, the Anesthesiologist chooses to either continue with the specialty of anesthesia or to further their education and specialize in the field of pain management.

When is there a need to see a pain specialist?

The expertise of a pain specialist is sought after all other treatment has failed. A primary care physician or another specialty physician usually refers the patient.

What does a pain specialist do that a primary care physician doesn't?

The services of a pain specialist are sought after all treatment prescribed by a primary care physician or other specialist has been exhausted. The pain specialist serves as a consultant to other physicians on the intricacies of helping patients in pain. The pain specialist usually becomes the principal treating physician and may provide care at various levels.

What types of care does the pain specialist provide?

  • Direct treatment
  • Prescribing medication
  • Prescribing rehabilitation services
  • Performing pain relieving procedures
  • Counseling patients and families
  • Directing a multidisciplinary team (i.e. psychology, physical therapy, occupational therapy, pain management, etc…)
  • Provide consultative services to public and private agencies.

What is acute pain?

Acute pain is the discomfort that alerts the individual that something is wrong with their body. Acute pain generally resolves as the underlying problem heals or is treated medically.

Common causes of acute pain are:

  • trauma to skin, tendons, ligaments, muscles, bone nerves
  • infections
  • bleeding
  • tumors

What is chronic pain?

Chronic pain results when pain does not resolve after initial medical treatment. It is prolonged pain generally lasting more than six (6) weeks. Chronic pain usually causes dramatic changes in a person's ability to function, stay productive and lead a normal life. Timely visits to CPM for early treatment may often reduce or cure chronic pain.

Is Chronic Pain a common problem?

According to the American Academy of Pain Medicine (AAPM), over 75 million Americans live with serious pain. 50 million suffer from chronic pain and each year another 25 million experience acute pain as a result of injuries or surgeries. 45% of all Americans seek care for persistent pain at some point in their lives.

How can pain be effectively treated?

Pain can be effectively treated with early intervention and if treated by a pain specialist.

Other questions?

If you have a specific question regarding pain management or pain medicine CPM would appreciate hearing from you. Please feel free to contact CPM's Medical Director, Firdaus Hashim, M.D. at fhashim@centerforpainmanagement.com.


Center For Pain Management - 1012 W. 95th Street - Naperville, IL 60564 - 630.778.4774

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